General information
The KIT Archives are happy to help answer questions regarding its holdings. Inquiries can be sent to the archives by post or e-mail. Basic written information on the type and scope of archive material, as well as information of public interest are free of charge.
Information that clearly exceeds inquiries on the type and scope of archive material can be handled on a fee-basis. The fee is €15.00 per quarter of an hour or part thereof. The exact scope of research and the expected amount of time needed should be discussed by telephone.
If you completed your studies by the end of the summer semester 1993, the KIT Archives can certify your time of study as per the requirements of the German Pension Insurance Fund. Students exmatriculated after the end of the summer semester 1993 can obtain their certificate of study from the KIT Student Services Office.
Requests for certificates of study can be sent by post, fax or e-mail.
Postal address: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT Archives, Kaiserstr. 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Fax number: +49 (0)721-608-994009
E-mail address: info ∂does-not-exist.archiv kit edu
Important: In addition to providing the address to which the certificate of study should be sent, the request must contain the matriculation number or, alternatively, a photocopy or digital image of the current identity card. To facilitate research, it is also necessary to indicate the period of study, as well as the course of study.